
We've created the BIGGEST DAY of football & fun to help raise as much as possible! #bushfireaid20

//// LINE-UP ////

12.00pm / U10 & U12 6-a-side Cup $150p/team
12.00pm / Afternoon Session Inflatable Fun Park (open as usual)
6.00pm / Evening Session Inflatable Fun Park $10 entry donation
6.30pm / Mens & Mixed 5-a-side Cup $150/team
8.30pm / Presentations & Raffle
9.00pm / After Party Live Music & DJs

There will be gold coin donations available all day. Proceeds go to the CFA Bushfire Disaster Appeal from the gold coin donations, Sausage Sizzle, Cup entries, Raffle & Inflatable Fun Park evening session.

☕️ Cafe-Bar is open all day from 9am - midnight!

Sausage Sizzle open from 9am - 8pm ALL PROCEEDS to the appeal!

VOLUNTEERS & RAFFLE PRIZES WANTED - Can you help? Message us if you’re available to help out with refereeing games, DJs, Live acts, runners/helpers and Sausage Sizzle (multiple shifts required) PLUS donations for prizes from gifts to experiences for the raffle!